Sunday, October 14, 2012

That Is A Mother!!!!!

We had a wonderful visit with Owen's Birth Mom today.  

I remember the day Tiffany called me and asked if we would adopt Owen.
  I remember it like it was 5 minutes ago.  
She told me that she would have her rights terminated if we would agree to adopt him. 
Owen had been with us in foster care for 17 months at that time.  
She told me how much she loved him!!!!
She also told me that she realized she was not capable of caring for him they way he deserved.  
She wanted him to have a better life then what she thought she could offer!!!

Can you imagine the strength it took for her to make that decision?  
The incredible strength to make that call?  
Only thinking of HER SON!!!
Not herself!!!
That is LOVE!!!!

That Is 


  1. Wow, Summer, that is really special!! How wonderful that you and Owen get to see his birth mom! I give her so much credit. What a selfless, loving decision she made for Owen. Owen is pretty special himself. We love that little guy :)

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  3. That is really special! I'm so glad Owen is blessed to know the love of TWO amazing MOTHERS! And I think it's great that she gets to see him grow up and become an amazing man!

  4. What a very courageous and loving woman. I think it's nice she still sees him and he knows her.


  5. She looks SO MUCH like him! Or I guess he looks like her. What a wonderful story, and I am so glad you two have a relationship. Does Owen understand that she's his biomom?

    1. I do know that Owen understands he has two Moms. He also understands that he was a baby in Tiffany's belly. Recently Owen has been saying "My Mom didn't have enough milk for me when I was a baby so that is why I came to live with my family". I am not sure where this is coming from about the "milk" but it is obvious that he has some understanding of his adoption story! I am so PROUD OF HIM!!!!

    2. And YES, he looks just like her!!! She is so very PROUD that he does!!!

  6. I really can't say that I know either side of these emotions but what I can say that is Owen will always know who he is where he came from and know that he has been loved by so many wonderful people including two incredible Moms!

    What a blessing!

  7. Owen looks so happy, soaking up all the extra attention.
    How sweet.

    San Diego Granny
