Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Appointment was Successful!!!!

So we will pick up the referral tomorrow afternoon and leave for Gavin's region at 4 am Friday.  So we should be able to meet him Friday morning!!!!  Woo Hoo!!!!  Here we come Buddy!!!!

We had a beautiful morning - it was so fun!!!!   Eugene (wonderful man with a wealth of knowledge about Ukraine) picked us up and brought us to our appointment.  We were a little early so we were able to shop with our favorite vendor from last year.  Here is the bad news - Eugene took a picture of us with Baghdad and I ERASED IT - OUCH!!!!  I am so mad because I have a picture of us with him last year :(  I also erased the picture Baghdad took of us with Eugene.  UGH!!!!  But the good news is I do have pictures of the great place we had lunch.

 Look at those chair covers - now that makes for a comfy seat!!!
 Beautiful artwork of the sun!!!
 Love it!!!!

 Super Yummy appetizer with carrots, celery and grapes!!!!  
 Now that was my drink in that bowl looking thing that is actually a cup.  I ordered "magic juice"!  Oh My - was that a strong something or other.  It had honey, milk and some very strong herbs or at least that's what I think was in it.  I was hoping to feel magical after drinking it - but all I could do was quickly order a Water.  
 Um Ya - I so didn't order the Fried Bull's testicles - the drink was enough of an experiment for one day.
 The picture two pictures up with my drink - also has these little braided breads with a message in each.  This was my message.  So deep and so TRUE!!!!!
This is a handmade doll.  The artist that made it didn't use scissors or stitching for fear it would "hurt".  So Awesome!!!

For lunch I had a mushroom and noodle soup that was OUTSTANDING and a chicken spinach pie also so super good.  Dave had beef in a mustard sauce and a pumpkin with brinzen cheese salad which he said was wonderful.

We are having an amazing time and we are so fortunate to be on such an incredible journey!!!

Thank you again for all the continued support!!!!


  1. Praise God! Just two more days until you meet your boy!!

  2. YAAAYYY!!! So glad to hear it went well! Very cool restaurant! Enjoy the rest of your day. And no overnight train??...C'mon, it just won't be the same, will it? LOL

  3. Summer and Dave,

    We are so excited for you both. Glad the SDA appointment went well. Wow, those chairs in the restaurant... very cool looking. I'm so glad to know that you are feeling better and having such a great time. Only a day until Gavin is in your arms. Yipee!!!

  4. What great photos. Things experience you are sharing with us is awesome. Great to be able to see just a little of what you're seeing. Thanks!

    Next time take ME! LOL

    How interesting the chair covers are, the doll is so amazing, those bread knots oh so yummy I'm sure of it.

    I know that you can't wait to meet Gavin and I can't wait to see it, so exciting!

  5. So excited for you! And the food sounds yummy too!


  6. so wonderful you can all take in and enjoy your time in EE!! this is such a gift!!
    We can not wait till it is Friday and see your SON GAVIN safe in your arms!!!
    Hugs and Prayers

  7. We are praying for you and your family everyday!
    God bless,
    Kristina and family
