Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our Girl Is So Tough!!!!

Really, Bellie is the toughest little girl I know!!!!  She went through another surgery with no trouble!!!  Thank you so much for all the PRAYERS!!!!  It is so wonderful to know she is covered in PRAYER when they take her to the operating room - Thank you so much!!!!! 

 Just waiting to go have her surgery
 About 1/2 hour after surgery - look at her sit up - I'm telling you she is so tough!!
The tape from the breathing tube cut her face on both sides - poor sweetie!!! 
 Home and so ready to EAT!!!!!
 Uh Oh - she found strange things in her mouth
7 silver caps to be exact :( 
But Kisses from her DADDY makes it "All Better"

Thanks Again for All The Prayers!!!!
You guys are the BEST!!!!!


  1. Hi my children had those please remember no gum or lollipops or sticky candy anything that can stick to caps will pull them right off and it hurts to have them put back on..also always watch the caps and surrouding gums..even though the teeth are filled theres always the chance for abcessed tooth mine had a couple under the caps..especially when the teeth loosen for the tooth fairy.hope this helps..

  2. Glad that your sweet girl came through with flying colors! I'd expect nothing less from a tough cookie like Bellie. Good thing she's got such an awesome family! I can just envision Taylor singing Row Row Row Your Boat to her while they snuggle!

  3. So very happy she did well today. Prayers for continued healing <3

    Brooke Annessa

  4. She is just too cute for words! Glad everything went well and we will continue to pray! and kisses from Daddies and Mommies always make everything better ;)

  5. YAY for Miss Bellie!She sure is a strong little princess warrior :) What a lucky little lady she is, to have been chosen by her perfect forever family~I just LOVE reading about her and seeing all the sweet photo's of Bellie and your family! May God BLESS you ALL!! <3

  6. Love pictures of those two together. Yeah, so glad that Bellie came thru with flying colors. She is a toughie!
