Saturday, October 2, 2010

Behind the Scenes

I always blog about adoption, well that is why I started this blog!  And although it is very hard sometimes to concentrate on other things because an international adoption is pretty mind boggling - we do have a life.  A wonderful life that I am blessed to live.  This post is about our two oldest children, Taylor and Conor.  I am so thankful each day for these guys!!! 

This is homecoming weekend and it is so much fun for the kids.  Taylor is a junior and Conor a sophomore.  They both play soccer and both had homecoming games this morning.  It is rare to catch them together as they both are living very busy lives these days!!!

Here they are all dressed up for the homecoming dance.  I keep looking at this picture - when in the world did they get so grown up????????  Wasn't it just yesterday that I was putting pigtails in Tay's hair and yelling at Conor for breaking ANOTHER window playing Hockey in the house.  When did this happen?????

 They make me smile, they make me laugh and most important they make me proud!!! 


 And these TWO make it a very easy and rewarding job!!!!!!


  1. They are growing up right before your eyes, don't blink it is amazing how fast it goes.

    Love the pics! I hope that they both had a great time.


  2. I must be emotional, because I cried reading your post. I just want to bottle up my children, so that I can pull out any stage of their life anytime I want. I hate the thought of them growing up, yet I love every new development and stage they go through. Thanks for sharing your life.
