My very good friend called me yesterday and said "The Kindberg clan has an idea to raise some money for your Lyla". You see the Kindberg family was blessed with amazing singing voices and they are willing to put on a concert and all the proceeds will go to our adoption. I am even crying just writing this - I am so blessed to know so many wonderful people. So I was so excited, I told Conor what the Kindbergs were willing to do for us. Then Conor hit me with some more great stuff. He said Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Johnson had got together and were talking about ways to help raise money. They had mentioned a pancake breakfast. And Conor said Mrs. Watson also asked Conor how she could help our family!!! Are you kidding????? I am so very grateful, so appreciative of the AMAZING friends we have!!! I can't tell you what this means to us. That people are just trying to help - they just want to help!!!! It doesn't even matter how much money these events might raise - it's that GOD has blessed us with a support group of truly FABULOUS people!!!!!! People that will just LOVE Lyla because she will be our daughter, not turn away because of her disabilities or where she is from.
Also, I woke up to an e/m from our social worker Sue. I can pick up our home study tomorrow!!!! I will then have it certified while in Buffalo and Wednesday send it out Fed Ex to immigration!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
That is great news... so encouraging :-)