Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Isabelle HAS a BUTTON!!!

I have mentioned a few times on this blog that Reece's Rainbow has these AMAZING women that volunteer their time to help adopting families.  Lu is the SAINT that designs these beautiful buttons.  She also volunteers her time to help families design blogs and she helps with blogging etiquette.  There are some rules we have to follow when blogging about international adoption - we do not ever want to upset the other side of the ocean.  Can you imagine the tragedy????  So Lu is the sweet moderator of it all!!!  There is also a yahoo group for all of us working with Reece's Rainbow and Lu always seems the first one to raise someones spirits if they are having a down day.  Her posts on this group also involve some of the most wonderful prayers I have ever read!!!!

Thank you LU - you are an absolute ANGEL!!!!!!!

Isn't the button perfect????  LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!


  1. LOVE the button! She is so sweet, and I can't wait for you to meet her and bring her home!!

  2. Okay, I finally added it to my blog:)

  3. I just saw this post! You are such a blessing! I'm so glad you like the button for Isabelle! We're praying for Lyla... and for you!
