Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Challenge 1 and 2 MET!!!

I can't even keep up with all you super generous people!!! This has all been so SURREAL!!!

Yesterday the challenge was to raise our account to $10,000 and Zoya could PIE HER MOM IN THE FACE!!!  Well that challenge was met very early yesterday morning!!!  So not only were we so thrilled to have another $1,000 towards our adoption we also had the PURE JOY of watching Zoya in action!!! 
See the video HERE!!!!!  We sure do LOVE the BASILE FAMILY!!!!!

So then challenge 2 was posted on Colleen's (The Most Bestest Fundraising Woman in the Whole World) blog!  Challenge 2 was to get our account to $11,000 and Dave would let me shave his hair in to a fashionable Mohawk!  He also would allow his four toddlers to apply make-up all over his face!!!  Never Ever In A Million Years did we think that another $1,000 would be raised in such a short time!!!  Oh My - YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!!  WOO HOO!!!! 

Well we got right to business!!!  A Mohawk and make-up you want????  Well then - that's what you get my friends!!!!

If you would like to see THE MAKING OF THE MOHAWK and the details to our third challenge go HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you ALL for donating and making this so much FUN!!!! 
We are so BLESSED!!!!!

 Doesn't Sara look like a professional make-up artist?
 Very nice lipstick application Owen!!!!
 Awe Bellie likes her Daddy to have lots of lipstick up his nose!!!
Gavin is not so sure he wants to kiss that face!!!
Please notice the beautiful barrette in Gav's hair - he wanted to help bring his sister home too!!!

We are ALL so grateful!!!  We are so close to having all the money we need to bring HOME our beautiful daughter and we get to HAVE SO MUCH FUN too!!!!! 




  1. Summer this had to be the most fundraising event I have seen! Now you need to keep that picture from Lyla's gov't seeing it or they won't know what to think:) What a great daddy to do that!

  2. LOL Totally agree with Shelly!!!

  3. love!!!!
    You know Summer seems i leave in tears every time i come here!!! Only this time they're tears from laughing!!

    This story from start to finish should be a book... just saying

  4. Up next! Summer gets a tattoo!!!!!


  5. Way to go Dave! You have an amazing husband and your kids have a great dad!
